Best Le Mans Ultimate Settings for Thrustmaster T248

Le Mans Ultimate is the new game from the makers of rFactor 2. This clearly is built on the rFactor 2 engine, but has a much nicer game built around it. It's in early access, so we will have to see how it develops, but it certainly looks promising.

The Thrustmaster T248 works great, but the game doesn't properly recognize it, so the default values are all wrong. It thinks the wheel is much more powerful than it actually is. I have fixed all of that in these settings.

In this guide, I will first show the settings you need to set in the Thrustmaster Control Panel, on the wheel, and in-game to improve the force feedback.

Thrustmaster Settings

Le Mans Ultimate has a Soft Lock feature, so it will automatically set the proper steering angle for each car in the game.

On-Wheel Setting Value
ROT 900°

FORCE at 4 bars with FFB at 1 creates a perfectly linear force feedback response with no clipping, which is the ideal for any racing game.

TM Control Panel Setting Value
Rotation 900°
Overall Strength of all forces 65%
Constant 100%
Periodic 100%
Spring 100%
Damper 100%
Auto-Center by the game

Rotation and Overall Strength are identical to the ROT and FORCE wheel settings, respectively. Changing it in one place overwrites the other. I recommend changing these on the wheel and ignoring the values in the Thrustmaster Control Panel.

Spring is not used by Le Mans Ultimate, so the value actually doesn't matter. Some games require Spring to be on for their force feedback to work, so I keep it at 100% as a general rule.

Damper controls the Steering Resistance Coefficient and Steering Resistance Saturation settings.

BOOST should always be turned off. For an in-depth look as to why, see my BOOST Force Feedback Analysis.

Le Mans Ultimate Settings

In Settings > Controls > Wheel & Pedals > Calibrate:

Setting Value
Use Steering Wheel Range From Vehicle On
Use Steering Wheel Maximum Rotation from Driver On

Use Steering Wheel Range From Vehicle will use the real world steering angle for each car. If you turn this off, you can set your own steering angle that will be used for all cars.

Use Steering Wheel Maximum Rotation from Driver will automatically use the rotation that is set in the Thrustmaster Control Panel.

In Settings > Controls > Wheel & Pedals > Force Feedback:

Setting Value
Force Feedback Effects On
Invert Force Feedback On
Force Feedback Strength 100%
Force Feedback Smoothing 5-7
Minimum Steering Torque 0%
Collision Strength 150%
Steering Torque Sensitivity 100%
Use Constant Steering Force Effect Off

Force Feedback Strength is the overall strength of the force feedback. 100% works perfectly fine, but you can always adjust this to your liking.

Force Feedback Smoothing should be kept as low as possible to get the most detail. The lower it is, though, the harsher the smaller vibrations will be, particularly if you flat spot a tire. Depending on how you have your wheel mounted, you will need to adjust this to whatever is most comfortable.

Minimum Steering Torque raises the lightest forces. This is not necessary on these wheels.

Collision Strength is how much the wheel shakes when you hit something.

Steering Torque Sensitivity adds or removes weight from the wheel.

Use Constant Steering Force Effect is only used for very old wheels.


Early Access titles can be annoying since they are always in flux. Le Mans Ultimate seems like it has a good base set, but it will be interesting to see how far they take it.

Let me know if you have any comments or questions.

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